A most affecting interview. Enormous thanks to these two extraordinary women for their courage. I simply hope that their bravery will herald change and ultimately provide them with some peace. Shame simply must change sides. Thank you for sharing. I watched when first broadcast and have watched again.

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Thank you for sharing this here, Emma. Such brave women. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Caroline to process it.

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In absolutely horrendous circumstances their decision to wave anonymity and speak out gave such a powerful female face to bravery - critical to hear and see. Thank you, thank you. Shame must change sides: who can forget that? It will reverberate and seep in for many, many years. I hope the authorities with responsibilities to investigate and prosecute sexual offences keep up with this sea change. After listening, we must keep the wave going, even in small ways. Nicely done, Emma.

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Thank you for sharing this Emma.. I'm wondering if you could share it somewhere other than UK iplayer, so Australian and other overseas fans can access it? I think this important interview needs further dissemination! All the best to you, Clare

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Thank you for sharing the links here Emma. I knew that you had recorded this for the Today programme, but couldn't find it last week when I was searching through the recent episodes.

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Adding my thanks to you for generously sharing here. Shame must change sides.

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