That hidden track got me good too! I feel there should follow accounts of readers “The Best” stories… mine was suggesting we play it at my mum’s funeral. The suggestion was met by a polite “maybe we should think about that one, mate” from my brother. I stuck with Hey Jude - which was faded out… how can you fade out Hey Jude? Philistines. So much of my music is now imbibed in the private space of headphones. So much so that sharing my private musical moments (and history) now seems a step too far.

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I agree Emma, not necessarily with the Tina Turner part but with the loss of intimacy in our musical experience. I still have all my teenage albums and know them back to front as well as the sleeve contents. Apart from the difficulty in reading CD covers without a magnifying glass they don’t have the same tactile qualities as an album and my experience with cassettes was purely as transportation for my albums to my car etc.

My Tina Turner is David Bowie and his early albums will always be with me with all the great times we shared.

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